Tuna Abbreviations

AIDCP = Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Program
AIS = Automatic Identification System
ANABAC = Spanish National Association of Purse Seine Owners
ANFACO = National Association of Manufacturers of Canned Fish and Seafood
AO = Atlantic Ocean
AP2HI = Asosiasi Perikanan Pole and Line dan Handline Indonesia
ASG = American Samoa Government 
ATPA = Andean Trade Preference Act
ATPDEA = Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act
ATUNEC = Ecuadorian Tuna Boatowners Association
ATQ = Autonomous Tariff Quota
BET = Bigeye Tuna
BFAR = Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
BKK = Bangkok
CAB = Conformity Assessment Body
CANAINPESCA = The National Chamber of the Mexican Fishing Industry
CCFAC = Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants
CCSBT = Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
CDS = Catch Documentation Scheme
CEPESCA = Spanish Fishing Confederation
CFP = Common Fisheries Policy
CFR = Cost and Freight
CFTO = Compagnie Francaise du Thon Oceanique
CITES = Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species
CMM = Conservation and Management Measure
CNMI = Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
CoC = Chain of Custody
CODEMAR = Mexican Coalition in Defense of the Seas
CONAPESCA = Mexico’s National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries
CPUE = Catch per Unit Effort
DWFN = Distant Water Fishing Nations
EEZ = Exclusive Economic Zone
EII = Earth Island Institute
EPO = Eastern Pacific Ocean
FAD = Fish Aggregating Device
FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization (UNations) Italy (Fishery) or USA
FCR = Feed Conversion Ratio
FDA = Food and Drug Administration
FFA = Forum Fisheries Agency
FIP = Fisheries Improvement Project
FOC = Flags of Convenience
FSM = Federated States of Micronesia
FTA = Free Trade Agreement 
FTBOA = Fiji Tuna Boatowners Association
GFW = Global Fishing Watch
GP = Greenpeace
HACCP = Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
HCR = Harvest Control Rules
IATTC = Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
ICCAT = International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
= Indian Ocean
IOTC = Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
IPNLF = The International Pole and Line Foundation
IPO = Initial Public Offering
ISO = International Organization for Standardization
ISSA = International Seafood Sustainability Association
ISSF = International Seafood Sustainability Foundation
IUCN = International Union for Conservation of Nature
IUU = Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing
MCS = Monitoring, Control & Surveillance
MSC = Marine Stewardship Council
MoU = Memorandum of Understanding 
MPA = Marine Protected Areas
MSY = Maximum Sustainable Yield
MT = Metric Tons
NAFO = Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
NAFTA = North American Free Trade Agreement
NFA = National Fisheries Authority (PNG)
NFD = National Fisheries Development
NGO = Non-Governmental Organization
NMFS = National Marine Fisheries Service
NOAA = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
OFCF =  Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation
OPAGAC = Spanish Tuna Purse Seine Association
OPRT = Organization for the Promotion of Responsible Tuna Fisheries
P&P = Parlevliet & Van de Plas
PMIZ = Pacific Marine Industrial Zone
PNA = Parties to the Nauru Agreement
PNG = Papua New Guinea
PVR = ProActive Vessel Register
RFMO = Regional Fishery Management Organisation
RMI = The Marshall Islands
ROP = Regional Observer Program
SBT = Southern Bluefin Tuna
SFPA = Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement
SIDS = Small Island Developing State
SKJ = Skipjack Tuna
SPC = Secretariat of the Pacific Community
TAC = Total Allowable Catch
TAE = Total Allowable Effort
TMI = Tri Marine International 
TTIA = Thai Tuna Industry Association
TU = Thai Union
TUF = Thai Union Frozen Products
ULT = Ultra-low Temperature
UoC = Unit of Certification
USMLT = US Multilateral Treaty
VASEP = Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers
VDS = Vessel Day Scheme of the PNA
VMS = Vessel Monitoring System 
Wespac = Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council 
WCPFC = Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
WCPO = Western Central Pacific Ocean
WFOA = The Western Fishboat Owners Association
WHO = World Health Organization
WPO = Western Pacific Ocean
WPFMC = Western Pacific Fisheries Management Council
WTO = World Trade Organization
WTPO = World Tuna Purse Seine Organisation
WWF = World Wildlife Fund
YFT = Yellowfin Tuna
YoY = Year on Year

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