Algeria All Set To Open New Bluefin Fattening Farm
Algeria has announced the launch of a new bluefin fattening farm near the port of Sidi Youchââ, a hub for deep sea fishing. Ahmed Badani, Minister for Fishing and Fisheries Production, said the upcoming initiative would be a strategic project for Algeria but did not confirm the exact date when it would start operations. The ranch would have a production capacity of 950 tons and is expected to bring in USD 10 million in export revenue for the country.
Algeria’s Atlantic bluefin quota for 2024 is 2,064 tons. Last year, this nation earned between USD 25 and USD 27 million from exporting this tuna. The Minister said: “We will support the investor initiating the project which will allow the local production of bluefin to be available on the Algerian market throughout the year.” The government also plans to explore new fishing zones and is developing a strategy to strengthen the tuna fishing fleet to catch more Thunnus thynnus. Eleven vessels for bluefin fishing are already under construction.