Spanish Firm Lends A Helping Hand To Aquaculture Through Recycled Tuna Nets

Spanish company R de Lorenzo Cordelería that makes ropes for mussel raft farming from recycled tuna nets recently announced that it has expanded its work. The firm bought new machinery and acquired a warehouse from EUR 176,552 (USD 192,470) in funds allotted by the regional government of Galicia, the Xunta de Galicia, and some fisheries groups. One of its main projects involve the making of 100 percent biodegradable cotton ropes for mussel raft farming, an aquaculture practice that involves growing mussels in shallow coastal waters by suspending ropes (with young mussels attached) from floating rafts, allowing them to mature and be harvested. The company is working with Spanish tuna vessels (gear not revealed) to acquire the nets for this project.
The initiative aims to contribute to environmental conservation and improve the management of waste derived from fishing activities, reported Spanish news sites. Some of the other products made by R de Lorenzo Cordelería are mussel farming nets, mooring ropes and lines, and buoys and floats.