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EII To Lobby In EU To Stop Solomon Tuna Export ff

20 January 2011 Solomon Islands

Source: Solomon Star

Earth Island
Institute (EII) says the proposed export by Solomon Islands Marine Mammals and Education Centre (SIMMEC) is making things difficult for Solomon Islands to make million dollar tuna investments here.

Mark Berman, director of EII’s dolphin safe tuna monitoring program said this followed news about the proposed export of dolphins to Europe.

SIMMEC director Robert Satu said he had received requests from a number of countries including Germany, France and Dubai.

Mr. Satu and his boys plan to resume hunting mid next month and early March.

But speaking to the Solomon Star, Mr. Berman said Mr. Satu was going to make things impossible for Solomon Islands to have tuna factories built.

“If he goes ahead with this, then the Solomon Islands government can forget about Frabelle and DongWon investing,” he said.

EEI is a United States based organisation which runs private environmental monitoring programs.

It also provides dolphin safe certification for canned tuna producers.

They regularly inspect tuna in canneries, at dockside, and aboard fishing vessels in order to insure tuna consumers buy is truly “dolphin safe”.

In the country EII has an agreement with Soltai Fishing and Processing Limited (SFPL) and the Western Province.

In this agreements Soltai pledge to abide by the Earth Island international dolphin safe tuna standards by not catching dolphin and use of drift gill nets

Over the past years Earth Islands had warned Malaita and Guadalcanal Province to cease hunting and capturing of these mammals because they will only advise tuna investors to invest if all trades stops.

Mr. Berman further added EII was going to lobby with European Union (EU) to stop export to Germany and France.

“We are going to lobby EU to make it impossible for any import into Germany or France,” he said.

With Gavutu now closed, the United States based director questioned where Satu was going to put all dolphins.

“And how will he keep them alive,” he said.

Mr. Satu had previously released 14 dolphins on Independence Day last year.