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ANFACO Study “58% Of Southeast Asian Tuna Cans Violate European Law”ff

14 October 2010 Spain

Source: La Voz de Galicia


58% of the canned tuna products sold in Europe with Southeast Asian origin violate some aspect of current EU rules, according to a market survey conducted by the Spanish National Association for the Manufacturers of Canned Fish and Seafood (ANFACO) during recent months.


The results of these tests, which were developed by the consultant CIALIA, were sent to Brussels. However, EU leaders said that none of the anomalies posed a danger to consumer health and downplayed the defects as being purely “formal.”


The Evidence 


According to the Spanish paper La Voz de Galicia, the evidence, however, could now be used by the industrialists in preparing a demand against the EU. The products in question belonged not only to tuna from Papua New Guinea, but also other Southeast Asian countries.