The new tuna and swordfish season in Rio Grande do Norte looks promising thanks to a series of government measures to reduce taxes and improve transport facilities for the local sector. This was reported by Fish Information and Services.
The season opened at the beginning of this month and will last until May. Initial reports indicate satisfactory stock levels and the fishery got off to a great start with the participation around 80 vessels - mostly from Korea and Taiwan.
With exports expected to top the 3,000 M/T sold in 2001 for Us$ 9 million - in which case sales could reach Us$ 15 million - the sector is set to reap additional benefits from the tax exemptions on fuel and on the purchase of hooks from Uruguay. The tax exemptions will apply to all vessels participating in the 2002/2003 season.
Government support for the sector has extended to improving facilities for transporting products. Augusto Servero Airport's runway has been enlarged and flights by Varig - the most important airline in Brazil - have been re-scheduled.
Rodrigo Hazin, director of the Norte Pesca company, told Mercado da Pesca that the measures implemented by the authorities formed an important contribution by the government to expand fisheries potential.
Participating companies have also made their own contribution to promoting the efficiency of the sector by investing in a number of improvements, which include enlarging cold stores and increasing ice production.