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Somali Pirates Convicted To 10 Years Imprisonment In Seychellesff

29 July 2010 Seychelles

By Atuna

An official statement from the local police has reported that the Supreme Court of Seychelles have sentenced 11 Somalis to 10 years imprisonment each, for offences related to Piracy.


Among the 11 convicts, 8 were sentenced for the acts of Piracy offences whereas 3 others were convicted for the offence of aiding and abetting pirates.


The 11 Somalis were also being prosecuted for 5 different other charges related to acts of terrorism, charges of which they have all been found innocent of by the presiding judge of the Supreme Court after hearing from both the prosecution and defence council.


All of the 11 Somalis were apprehended by Seychelles Defence Forces Patrol on the boat Topaz after their attempt to hijack the said patrol boat was foiled. The offences took place in the Seychelles EEZ on the 5th to 6th of December 2009 whereas TOPAZ was attacked with automatic weapons by the pirates in two different skiffs. 


Their conviction is a historical milestone as it is the first time that a piracy trial is successfully prosecuted in the Seychelles.


Seychelles is largely depending on her income from tuna catches and landings, which have been on the decline due to the attacks of Somali pirates on tuna purse seiners fishing in the EEZ of the Seychelles, and other parts of the Indian Ocean.


There are 29 other suspected and accused Somali pirates who are still awaiting trial in Seychelles or transfer from the Republic of Seychelles to Somalia.