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New EU-Solomon Tuna Fisheries Deal For 4 EU Seinersff

2 October 2009 Solomon Islands

Source: Europolitics

The European Commission initialed, on 30 September, a new fisheries partnership agreement with the Solomon Islands, replacing the current one, which entered into force in October 2006. The new agreement covers a period of three years and provides fishing possibilities exclusively for tuna for EU vessels fishing in the waters of the Solomon Islands. The number of licenses for tuna seiner vessels remains the same (four licenses). No fishing possibilities for longliners have been negotiated.

However, the new protocol includes a clause, which allows for the possibility to introduce new fishing possibilities, including for longliners, should the need arise. Fifty percent of the EU’s annual financial contribution of €400,000 has been earmarked for support to the Solomon Islands to enhance responsible and sustainable fishing in their waters. EU vessels interested in operating under this agreement come from Spain and France.