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U.S. Albacore Tuna Listed As “Best Choice” By Seafood Watch Guideff

31 January 2009 United States
From PR Newswire

Eco-conscious shoppers can enjoy guilt-free tuna sandwiches with US troll-caught albacore now widely available in cans. Listed as a “Best Choice” on Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch guide, troll-caught albacore is a delicious, healthful option for people wanting to include more sustainable seafood to their diets.

”By choosing albacore caught and canned in the US shoppers are buying a sustainable product and supporting local businesses,” says Western Fishboat Owners Association director, Wayne Heikkila. “One taste and they’re hooked!”

Caught one-at-a-time in Pacific Northwest, troll-caught albacore is hand-packed and cooked in the can to retain all the tuna’s omega-3s and natural flavors. Albacore canned this way has up to six times more omega-3s than many popular brands.

”It’s the ultimate convenience food,” says Heikkila.

Troll-caught albacore is also an excellent source B and D vitamins, selenium, a powerful antioxidant found in tuna, lean protein and is low in fat and calories.

Albacore tuna goes well with lemon, red peppers, tomatoes, beans, capers, olives, anchovies, onion, eggs, avocado and cheese. It is a healthy, low fat addition to pasta, salads, wraps or casseroles.

Custom-canned albacore is available across the US, labeled as “US troll-caught”, “Product of the US” or “US- caught”. Quality labels include; High Seas Gourmet Albacore Tuna, Wild Planet, Henry & Lisa’s, American Tuna Company, Island Trollers, Arrowac Fisheries Inc., Mary Lu Seafoods, Kimmel’s New Day Fisheries, Papa George Tuna, Shamrock Albacore, Two Fishers Gourmet Albacore, and Wild Pacific Seafood.

The American Heart Association recommends eating fish containing omega-3s, including albacore, at least twice a week to lower the risk of heart disease. Eating US canned albacore is an easy way to incorporate more fish into any diet.

About Troll-Caught Albacore

Troll-caught tuna are caught one at a time, by hand closer to the ocean’s surface -this method harvests younger and smaller albacore that are between 5 and 15 pounds. These juvenile albacore have the highest levels of heart-healthy omega-3s and significantly lower levels of mercury.

Trolling is one of the most environmentally-sound fishing methods; there’s near-zero by-catch and the sea floor is never damaged.

About The Western Fishboat Owners Association (WFOA)

The WFOA is a non-profit association representing about 400 family-owned albacore fishing vessels and supporting coastal businesses. WFOA is involved in fisheries management issues at the state, federal, and international level. Chief among our concerns is maintaining a sustainable fishery for future generations.

Members generally fish Northern Pacific waters and are based in California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, New Zealand and British Columbia.