Source: NOAA Press Release
NOAA scientists will travel to the West African nation of
This information is used to manage fish stocks and protect marine resources domestically and internationally, through organizations such as the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas.
The collaborative training program is designed to strengthen international cooperation in fisheries management.
“The training is an opportunity to work with our partners in
Increased international cooperation on fisheries management is essential to stopping global overfishing and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. The Magnuson-Stevens Act calls for NOAA’s Fisheries Service to help nations improve monitoring and compliance with international fishing rules designed to rebuild stocks to help local and national economies.
The training will focus on identification of marine mammals, sharks, sea turtles and other species as well as observer safety. NOAA will provide equipment and training materials to
The U.S. Navy will transport observer equipment and supplies aboard the USS Nashville, assisting with navigation, communication and safety training, as well as providing translators in the Francophone country. Some observer training will be done on board the ship.
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