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Solomons Keen On Attracting New Tuna Cannery Investorsff

21 January 2009 Solomon Islands
From Radio NZ

The Investment Corporation of Solomon Islands says it encourages potential investors looking into setting up a cannery on Malaita to do so, as it would be a major boost to employment and the economy.

Representatives from consultant agencies Getax Australia and US-based Tuna Tech Services have visited potential sites and met landowners.

The Investment Corporation’s general manager John Maneniaru says there is room for another cannery.

He says the financially stricken Soltai cannery hasn’t been as lucrative as it could have been because of a lack of capital and commitment from management.

He says he’d be keen to talk to the investors to discuss the concept further.

“We very much encourage investors to actually have an interest in our manufacturing industry especially in cannery. We have the potential there. The Government has been trying to establish at least one cannery on Malaita at least, but it hasn’t yet eventuated. And so we are looking forward to having an investor who will establish the cannery and its infrastructure there on Malaita.”