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New Japanese Catch Data Releasedff

3 October 2002 Japan
Japanese fish landings in August remained below last year's level although they're up from July, the Japanese Fisheries Agency published in a report.

Total fish landings for August reached 164,360
M/T down 18% from August 2001 but up 25% from July 2002. Average prices in August rose 23% to Us$ 1.91 (JPY 235) per kilo from last year, but fell 2% from July, according to the report, which was published by Fish Information and Services.

Fresh albacore landings reached 1,557
M/T up 125% from last August but down eight per cent from July, while the price per kilo was Us$ 2.11 (JPY 259), down 56% from last year and up 1% from July. Landings of frozen albacore reached 11,393 M/T up 27% from last year and up 42% from July and the price per kilo stood at Us$ 2.53 (JPY 311), down 40% from last year, but up 33% from July.

Landings of fresh bigeye tuna rose to 582
M/T up 30% from a year earlier and up 31% from July. The average price was Us$ 9.41 (JPY 1,158) per kilo, down 5% from last year, but up 50% from July. Landings of frozen bigeye reached 808 M/T up 67% year on year, but down 20% from July.

Fresh bluefin tuna landings rose to 966
M/T up 6% from a year earlier, but down 4% from July's 997 M/T. Prices stood at Us$ 12.76 (JPY 1,569) per kilo, up 7% from last year and up 41% from July.