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Canadian Bluefin Fishery Closed Temporarily On Weekendff

13 October 2008 Canada

From The Journal Pioneer

The rest of the P.E.I. bluefin tuna quota, more than 40 tons, will not be landed until next Tuesday, reports the P.E.I. Fishermen’s Association.

“Given the Thanksgiving holiday when the federal fisheries department closed and the forecast of strong northerly winds today, Monday, the bluefin tuna fishery was shut down Friday evening and will open again tomorrow Tuesday morning at 5 a.m., Oct. 14. DFO will issue a variation order to that effect,” said the PEIFA’s executive director, Ed Frenette.

“This temporary closure will allow DFO and the tuna committee an opportunity to review landings to date and determine what approach will be taken to close the fishery when landings are nearing the full quota,” he said.

The season will continue until the quota is fully caught.