The WTPO members,
Recalling and reaffirming that the objective of WTPO is to foster the general application of the principles of responsible and sustainable fishing to enable a balance between the conditions of the tuna resources in the world and a rational, economic and efficient uti1ization of the resources:
Noting the importance of ensuring that all purse seine vessels fishing in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) comply with the effective measures agreed by WTPO for the sustainable fisheries;
Have agreed,
To reduce its fishing effort for two months immediately from 21st April up to 20th June 2003 as follows:
1.- All vessels should stay at port upon their entry until departure for days calculated on the basis of each carrying capacity,
a. below 1,300 m3 : 8 days
b. from 1,300 m3 to 1,700 m3 : 10 days
c. over 1,701 m3 : 12 days
2.- For a vessel returning to Guam or home, its non-fishing days shall be counted in from 3 days after finishing its fishing activities ti1l 3 days before its resuming fishing.
3.- For a vessel visiting another port, without fishing activities, immediately after finishing unloading, the duration of travel from one port to another shall be counted in the nonfishing days.
4.- Non-fishing days shall be calculated on basis of each vessel and its weekly reports of operation status from Sunday to Saturday shall be submitted and shared with Asian Group Countries every following Wednesday.
5.- Any vessel in port upon the effective date of this resolution must comply, with its actual arrival date as the start of the required days-stay in port.
6.- A vessel not fulfilling its required non-fishing days shall be subject to a penalty according to every country association rules to be paid before the secretariat of WTPO Asian Group and full payment shall be ensured by the organization the violating vessel belongs to. All money accrued from penalties shall be used for the common interests of the WTPO Asian Group. The penalty should not be lower than 100.000$ per vessel.
7.- Japanese fleet has agreed not to transship outside Japanese ports and keep their own system of effort reduction. Japanese members will also try to discourage skipjack exports to Bangkok from Kaimaki and Kinkai for the two months of application of this resolution.
8.- The French and Spanish WTPO members agreed to avoid supplying fish to Bangkok market below current market leve1s, likewise the Asian Block made a compromise not to supply other major markets below current market level.
9. WTPO member recognizing the need to encourage non-members, identified hereto, to join WTPO effort in applying the principles of responsible fishery, shall seek the intercession of traders and packers to ensure their cooperation.