Big French Appetite For Sri Lankan Tuna Loins ff
25 July 2008
The Netherlands
The 2007 data on France’s imports of frozen raw tuna loins show a sharp boost in comparison with the volume entered in 2006.
France imported 2.725 M/T of loins over 2007, which represented a 27% growth compared to the 2.146 M/T in 2006. Although this increase can be mainly attributed to the imports from Sri Lanka, other origins such as Yemen, French Polynesia and Fiji contributed as well. The volume of these suppliers jumped very visibly as you can see in the graph here below.
France imported 665 M/T of the item from Sri Lanka in 2007, a volume that corresponds to three times more than that of the year before. This staggering growth shifted Sri Lanka to the leading place as major supplier leaving Spain -the principle exporter in 2006- behind. Furthermore, the amount from Yemen went up by 23% from 414 M/T to 508 M/T. And in addition, both the French Polynesia as well as Fiji increased their volumes, the first by tripling supplies achieving 242 M/T and the second by doubling it, reaching 208 M/T.
Imports of frozen raw loins, by France, equaled 15% of the total EU import of this product and placed the country in third position in a tie with Portugal, and following the first two major importers Spain and United Kingdom.