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Tuna Boss Threatens To Quit Port Lincoln ff

21 July 2008 Australia

Hagen Stehr threatens to quit Pt Lincoln (Clean Seas). The senior figure in the tuna industry says his fishing business will leave Port Lincoln in South Australia if mining exports are allowed through its port.


The chairman of Clean Seas Tuna, Hagen Stehr, is threatening to move elsewhere if Centrex Metals is allowed to ship iron ore from Port Lincoln.


He says alternative sites for his business could be Wallaroo in SA or Mauritius, off southern Africa.


The export plan has led to public protests backed by Port Lincoln’s tuna fishing crews.


Mr. Stehr is urging Premier Mike Rann to intervene and stop the mining export plan in that area.


“The risks are too great, I’ve got my own scientists who tell me it’s absolutely not on,” he said.


“If something would ever happen or the smallest thing would go wrong, I mean we would be canned around the world, I can’t afford to take those risks.”