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Sharp Fall In US Bluefin Tuna Importsff

15 July 2008 The Netherlands

United States (US) imports of Bluefin have experienced a sharp decline.  During the first 3 months of 2008, the US entered 57% less Northern and Southern Bluefin than over the same period last year, reaching just 168 M/T.


The product was delivered in fresh and frozen form and the fresh N. Bluefin has predominated this year's import with 106 M/T, 69% less than 2007 though.


Imports of frozen N. Bluefin increased by 14% (41 M/T) and a surprisingly 40% (21 M/T) for frozen S. Bluefin.


Supply of both Northern and Southern Bluefin is under threat due to slow maturation of the species and over-exploitation stocks.


The US also has a significant domestic catch of N. Bluefin tuna, which is often shipped fresh to Japan.