Although the United States (US) is an exporter of whole round Albacore tuna, most especially to the European Union (EU), its own total imports of all Albacore tuna products still increased by 6% during this years’ first quarter compared to the same period last year. The total imports reached 9.326 M/T.
79% of that value, therefore 7.407 M/T, was in canned form. So far this year, Albacore is the leading tuna species as far as US imports are concerned.
Yellowfin was the second key species
Similarly, Bigeye was mainly imported as chilled and its total volume increased by 4% - 1.847 M/T in 2008.
US imports of Skipjack and Bluefin tuna went down visibly. Skipjacks’ figures show a 28% decrease reaching only 327 M/T over the first quarter, and Bluefin’s imports fell by 57% landing 168 M/T.
All in all, the
The reason for such disparity is that, since countries are subjected to catching quotas, many prefer to report their production under non specified items.