Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture have Greenpeace activists for boarding a Taiwanese fishing boat in the South Pacific earlier this week to check for illegal catch reports Taipei news source.
In a statement the council said that the Pingtung-based 98-tonne Niensheng No. 3 was on the open seas north of the
The Greenpeace members boarded the vessel to check for illegal shark fin harvesting and excessive tuna fishing. The Ninesheng skipper says they found engierh, but continued to trail the ship for six to seven hours.
The statement says Niensheng No. 3 is on the list of vessels permitted to fish in the region by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) and the South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), the statement argued that Greenpeace activists’ forced shipboard check, without the Taiwan government’s approval, was in stark violation of Taiwan’s legal jurisdiction and International Law.