According to FFA (Forum Fisheries Agency) Quarterly Tuna Market News Review, the
In March, prices remained stable at US$2100/Mt for most part of the month before increasing to US$2200-2280/Mt at the end of the month due to very limited quantity offered in the market.
Their source reported prices in Spain for similar product to be stable at US$2450-2500/Mt in January and first part of February before falling to US$2350-2400/Mt by mid-February and declining further to be at US$2300-2350/Mt by the end of February as a result of improved catches in the Eastern Pacific and Western Indian Ocean (see figure 2).
Prices in March trended upwards from US$2300-2350/Mt in the first part of the month to US$2350-2400/Mt by mid- March before rising further to US$2600-2700/Mt by the end of the quarter due to a slow down in catches from Eastern Pacific and Western Indian Ocean.
The latest data available for purse seine caught yellowfin landed at Yaizu shows the average prices increasing from 234JPY/kg (US$2164/Mt) in January to 244JPY/kg (US$2275/Mt) in February before falling to 211JPY/kg (US$2090/Mt) in March 2008.
Source: FFA Tuna Market News Quarterly Review