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Solomon’s Fishery Continues Tuna Tagging Programff

30 January 2008 Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands Fisheries Ministry is continuing its program to tag and monitor three main tuna species - yellowfin, big eye and skipjack.

The National Tuna Data Coordinator and Tag Return Officer, Hudson Wakio, says the tagging program is part of global and regional efforts of member countries of the Central Western Pacific.

Mr. Wakio told the SIBC that two tagging phases have been confirmed for the region, one of which was conducted last year, and the second phase is scheduled to start towards the end of next month.

Small-scale fishermen in the country have been asked to look out for fish with tags from their catches, and they will be rewarded.

A yellow tag gets about 10 US dollars, a green one gets 51 US dollars and an orange one gets 258 US dollars.