Thai Tuna In Brine Prices 20% Higher Than Philippinesff
18 October 2007
The Netherlands
EU imports statistic data shows that -over the year 2006- Thai prices of canned tuna in brine were on average about US$4 higher per carton compared to the Philippines’ value for this product. During last year, Philippines sold canned tuna in brine at an average CIF value of US$ 19.96 per carton of 48 x 185g net on the EU market, when Thailand sold its tuna for 20% more at the level of US$ 23.92 CIF EU port. This gave Thailand the top position on its pricing in comparison to the other Asian suppliers, Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia.
Thai prices were also significantly higher than the average value of the Asian canned tuna in brine exports. The difference between the Asian average and that of Thailand was 7.7% and an equivalent of US$ 1.71. During last year the mean Asian value of canned tuna in brine to Europe was US$ 22,21.
Also in volume Thailand was the most visible Asian country on the EU market, in 2006 they exported 64.36% of the total Asian supply of 7.622,106 cartons tuna in brine.
The lowest for this tuna product was from Indonesia which provided it at US$ 16.89 per carton but exported only a 5.65% share of total Asian exports to the EU of this item.

Reason for these significant differences must be sought in the fact that Thailand exports a large quantity of high value canned yellowfin in brine to Italy – which is actually a predominant olive oil market. The other Asian countries are hardly successful in entering this attractive southern European market, and tend to concentrate more on lower priced skipjack tuna. The exceptional low average price of Indonesian exports is caused by exports to the German market – most likely due to a high share of flaked skipjack tuna in brine.