16 October 2007
Mexico Around 3,500 tons of bluefin tuna have already been caught and placed in the tuna fattening farms that are operating in Ensenada.
This was reported by the Mexican National Fishery Commission (Conapesca), based on the data that Conapesca received from the different tuna farms in the area, revealing bluefin tuna catches with a total estimated weight of 3,500 tons.
This amount is inferior to the figure reached in 2006, when catches slightly passed the 4,000 ton. The full catch was exported and put on the Japanese market.
The bluefin tuna are now in the fattening process. They are being fed with fresh sardines on a daily basis, to increase their weight and prepare them for processing. The bluefin tuna will be ready for export within a few weeks, when they reach the quality in fat and taste that the market demands. They will be air shipped to markets such as Japan, where the bluefin tuna meat is considered to reach the highest value world wide.