Part of this budget (around €272 million) has been set aside for
One of the guiding principles of the EFF is to focus EU funding on the less developed areas of the
The total budget allocated for the FIFG for the 2000-2006 period was €3.7 billion for the 15 Member States. An additional €272 million were earmarked for the 10 new Member States for the period 1 May 2004 to 31 December 2006. Funding for the EFF is provided under the new EU financial perspectives covering the period 2007-2013.
Table in annex: Allocation of EFF aid from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013
Allocation of EFF aid from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013
Member State |
Convergence* |
Non-convergence* |
Total* |
Austria |
167.228 |
4.500.253 |
4.667.481 |
Belgium |
23.301.312 |
23.301.312 |
Cyprus |
17.500.989 |
17.500.989 |
Czech Republic |
24.003.691 |
24.003.691 |
Denmark |
118.606.682 |
118.606.682 |
Estonia |
74.632.182 |
74.632.182 |
Finland |
35.001.972 |
35.001.972 |
France |
30.389.485 |
161.309.090 |
191.698.575 |
Germany |
86.073.715 |
52.352.951 |
138.426.666 |
Greece |
157.293.830 |
27.501.551 |
184.795.381 |
Hungary |
30.399.339 |
496.000 |
30.895.339 |
Ireland |
37.502.115 |
37.502.115 |
Italy |
282.489.352 |
94.105.302 |
376.594.654 |
Latvia |
110.369.814 |
110.369.814 |
Lithuania |
48.418.135 |
48.418.135 |
Malta |
7.435.476 |
7.435.476 |
Netherlands |
43.102.430 |
43.102.430 |
Poland |
651.791.012 |
651.791.012 |
Portugal |
198.766.492 |
20.001.128 |
218.767.620 |
Slovakia |
11.242.552 |
892.801 |
12.135.353 |
Slovenia |
19.330.990 |
19.330.990 |
Spain |
840.215.806 |
165.209.310 |
1.005.425.116 |
48.502.732 |
48.502.732 |
38.335.019 |
84.004.734 |
122.339.753 |
Total |
2.611.354.118 |
933.891.352 |
3.545.245.470 |
* Amounts in EUR, 2004 prices