A bigeye tuna (Thunnus Obesus) with a yellow plastic tag embedded in its back was recaptured in September by an Australian longline vessel fishing in the Coral Sea, off the north-east coast of
The fish had grown from 65 cm long (around 5 kg) at release to 164 cm (around 80 kg) on recapture. Its long time at liberty is clearly a world record for this tuna species, and confirms the longevity of bigeye relative to most other tunas - this particular fish was estimated to be around 15 years old on recapture.
The recaptured tuna was originally released as part of a regional tagging project conducted throughout 16
Tuna are a highly migratory species, making it very difficult to get an indication of the size and well-being of their stocks. The information obtained from tagging projects is fundamental to the stock assessment work conducted by OFP scientists. Unfortunately, the high costs and complicated logistics involved in conducting a regional tagging project mean that such projects have so far only been undertaken every 10-15 years.-Secretariat of the Pacific Community.