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Angola Gets Its Fishing Policies Organizedff

14 July 2005 Angola

The National Assembly Wednesday here passed Angola's adhesion to seven international accords, which set up multisectorial mechanisms for fishing operations and management, of tuna and other species.

After favorable analysis of the commissions of Constitutional and Juridical Issues and External Relations, International Cooperation and Angolan Communities Abroad, the accords were submitted to global voting and deserved the favorable vote of the 160 Parliamentarians present at the session.

The accord on the statutes of the Fishing Committee of the Center-East Atlantic the first to be approved, aims the sustainable exploitation of resources in its zone of jurisdiction, through the fishing ordernation and fisheries’ operations.

The second document is related to the protocol of amendment to the International Convention for Preservation of Tuna of the Atlantic Ocean that has as main goal the reduction of financial contributions, having into account the level of economic development of the sides.

The third Convention is related to the halieutic cooperation among the African states located along the Atlantic Ocean, whose objective is the promotion of actions, which aim an active and structured relationship in matters of ordination and development of fisheries in the region.

Other accord is the protocol on ways of application of United Nations Purpose on 1982 Sea rights, related to the maintenance and management of Transzone fishing stocks and great migrant species, such as tuna.

The accord sets up as main objectives to assure the maintenance, at long term, and the sustainable exploitation of fish reserves, whose moving is doing both inside or out of the exclusive economic zones.

The fifth document is related to the maintenance and management of fisheries on South-East Atlantic High Sea, which enumerates a set of principles determined to preserve, at long term, the sustainable using of fishing resources.

Designed for the creation of the Intergovernmental organization of Information and Cooperation for Trading of fisheries products in Africa, the sixth agreement is a concrete measure at United Nations system to favor an equilibrium of availabilities in fishing products and technical-economic interchange among the signatures.

The Parliamentarians also passed an agreement to promote the fulfillment of International measures of Maintenance and Ordination by fishing boats, operating on high sea.

Angola’s Fisheries Deputy Minister, Victoria Barros Neto, considered that the country's adhesion to these instruments has as advantage the benefit of aid to research programs and exchange of biological statistics information.

She also informed the Parliamentarians on the end of the accord between Angola and the European Union (EU), explaining that this move is a consequence of the divergences resulting from the new bill on Aquatic Biological Resources, passed recently by the Angolan Parliament.

The new diploma sets up criterions of priorities for the Angolans in the conception of fishing rights on the territorial sea, offering residual percentage to exploitation for foreign citizens, as well as concedes right of crustacean’s capture only to national citizens.

The Parliament has postponed for the next session the discussions on the Association of Environment Defense, the Basis for Agrarian Development, as well as projects of resolution on the Angola adhesion to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and the adoption of a child.