Spanish Tuna Vessels Find Alternative Employment In Bluefin Sectorff
4 July 2005
Spain Spanish fishermen from the location Cartagena found the perfect solution in order to keep busy during the official two-month biological ban, as well as increase their incomes during this period that started last May 1st and finalized last week June 30th. They have rented their boats to companies that fish bluefin tuna. Instead of fishing, during the ban period the vessels are being used for transportation, support and surveillance. The rental rates obtained from these are much higher than the subsidies they receive from the Regional Government during this obligatory fishing ban.
Mr. Juan Paredes, president of the managing commission for the Fishing Association said that two thirds of the sector’s employees have given up their aid to work for aquaculture companies during the two-month ban period.
According to Mr. Paredes, more that 60 fishermen from twelve vessels have chosen this option. These workers from the Fishing Association of Cartagena are earning twice as much as they would obtain from unemployment aid. The subsidies amount to about 600 euros. Fishermen are doubling this income and at the same time the Region is saving 72,000 euro in aids.
The secretary of the Fishing Association Mr. Joaquin Jimenez indicated that the local aquaculture companies have preferred to offer the employment to vessels from the fishing association rather the hire foreign vessels. Furthermore, the local fleet is faster than the tugboats commonly used for bringing in the large floating cages with Bluefin tuna. “They are away from home during 40 or 50 days, in the Mediterranean Sea and sailing close to Malta and Tunisiaâ€.
It’s the first time that the trawling vessels of the Fishing Association work in a massive way for the tuna sector. Until now, only a few sporadic agreements had been made with some of the vessels.