A team of marine scientists has mapped the undersea journeys of Atlantic bluefin tuna and concluded that tighter restrictions should be placed on fishing to protect the feeding and breeding grounds of this top migratory predator—one of the most commercially valuable fish in the sea.
Researchers from
“In my lifetime we've brought this majestic species to the doorstep of ecological extinction in the western
An expert on large migratory fish, Block is a founder and the co-director of the Tuna Research and Conservation Center (TRCC), a joint collaboration between Stanford and the Monterey Bay Aquarium. For the past 10 years, she and her colleagues have braved the rough waters of the
Each tag records the tuna's migration pattern, diving behavior, body temperature and the temperature of the surrounding water.
Separate stocks
In the Nature study, Block and her colleagues analyzed electronic tagging data over a period of nine years. The results showed that bluefin have a complex migratory life cycle that varies depending on the season as well as the age and body size of the fish.
The study confirmed that the North Atlantic is home to at least two populations of bluefin—a western stock that spawns primarily in the Gulf of Mexico, and an eastern stock that breeds thousands of miles away in the Mediterranean Sea.
Tagging data also revealed that western bluefin from the Gulf spawning grounds routinely swim together as adolescents and adults with their eastern cousins that were spawned in the
But the Nature study suggests a more likely mixing scenario: that large western fish are actually being caught as adults in eastern waters, then mistakenly counted as part of the eastern quota. Likewise, fish of eastern origin spawned in the
“Our study indicates that there are management steps we could take today to ensure that giant bluefin tuna are swimming on the western side of the Atlantic basin tomorrow,†Block says. “We believe that it's time for ICCAT to introduce management measures that recognize the fact that there is a complex spatial and temporal mixing of the two populations in both the west and east
Popular delicacy
Renowned for their powerful, warm-blooded physiology, bluefins are among the biggest bony fish in the sea. A mature animal can live to age 30, grow 10 feet long and weigh 1,500 pounds. Bluefin tuna is consumed worldwide, especially in
ICCAT estimates that the western population has fallen more than 80 percent since the 1970s, and that the eastern stock also has declined. Today, the commission limits the annual tuna catch in the western fishery to about 3,000 tons—a fraction of the 32,000-ton quota in the east. However, the actual tuna catch in the east is likely to far exceed the allowed quota.
How did ICCAT determine the range of each population? In 1982, armed with the best scientific data available at the time, the commission set up two management zones separated by a line in the mid-Atlantic Ocean at longitude 45 degrees West (45W). The location of this boundary was established at a time when local commercial fisheries on both sides of the
However, recent harvest data from offshore longliners—commercial boats that catch fish on lines 20 to 30 miles long and set with up to 1,200 hooks—indicate that the populations are continuous across this poorly enforced boundary. Similarly, the Nature study demonstrated that electronically tagged bluefin frequently ignore the boundary and travel back and forth across the Atlantic, raising serious questions about whether ICCAT quotas protect vulnerable western bluefin that cross longitude 45W into productive eastern waters to feed. This may be less of a problem for adolescent fish that show a preference for the North American coastline, say the authors. However, bluefin weighing 300 pounds or more, which have a remarkable capacity to stay warm internally, have expanded their range into productive, subpolar seas throughout the North Atlantic, and thus are more likely to cross the boundary, exposing them to oceanic longlines as well as fishers from both sides of the Atlantic.
“Our science doesn't support maintenance of a management system that assumes tuna from the eastern Atlantic remain in the eastern Atlantic, and tuna from the western
Tagging technology
In their study, TRCC researchers analyzed data from electronic tags placed on 772 bluefins in the western
A total of 499 tags were “archival†tube-shaped devices with external sensors that the scientists implanted inside individual fish during shipboard surgeries. A $1,000 reward was offered to anyone who recovered an archival tag, and 88 eventually were returned by commercial tuna fishers throughout the North Atlantic and the
“We've gotten tags back from fishing fleets based in Canada, Tunisia, Libya, Cuba, Italy, Spain, Japan, Morocco, the United States and other countries working in the North Atlantic—a real international effort,†says Stanford graduate student Andre Boustany, co-author of the study. “Often, the tag returns were accompanied by extensive notes and drawings from fishers indicating how and where the fish were caught.â€
The research team also deployed 273 pop-up satellite tags—external devices that detach and float to the surface at a programmed date after collecting around-the-clock data on the animal's location, diving depth and surrounding water temperature. The vast majority (89 percent) of the pop-up tags successfully transmitted data via satellite back to the Stanford lab.
Separate breeding, mixed feeding
“We observed that Atlantic bluefin tuna in North America sort into two discrete breeding populations—one that spawns in the Mediterranean and the other in the
Tagging data showed that while eastern and western tuna do not visit each other's breeding grounds, adolescents from both populations regularly forage side by side in specific areas of the
“We found that North Atlantic bluefin go to the best restaurants in the west and the east
The researchers also were surprised to learn that some eastern and western bluefin dine together throughout the central
“Right now, any western tuna that swims to the east of the 45 meridian can end up as part of the vastly larger eastern catch,†says graduate student Steven Teo, co-author of the study. “What we're suggesting from our data is that ICCAT establish a new central Atlantic management zone—a separate area between longitudes 35W and 50W—with an extremely low quota. That way we can reduce the mortality of giant western tuna that regularly forage there. While there may only be a few that actually get caught in these waters, they are the largest of the western Atlantic giant bluefins and, therefore, the fish with the largest reproductive potential.â€
Adds Block: “We cannot conserve the western Atlantic population without protecting these fish in the central
Breeding “hotspotsâ€
The Nature study also raised important questions about the protection of western spawning grounds in the
To find out, she and her colleagues carried out five research cruises in the Gulf of Mexico aboard
Electronic tracking data revealed that, during spawning season, giant bluefin were primarily found over the continental slope of the Gulf—a region with powerful eddies that bring nutrients to the surface, creating “hotspots†for spawning fish. These breeding hotspots, identified for the first time in the Nature paper, parallel the coasts of
Because of the decline of the western stock, ICCAT has closed the Gulf breeding grounds to direct (“targetedâ€) bluefin tuna fishing since 1981. “However,†Block notes, “the
The problem, she notes, is that the longliners sometimes unintentionally snag bluefin tunas during the breeding season, and it's likely that many bluefins die before they can be released back into the sea. The researchers observed this firsthand when they tried to catch bluefins from commercial longliners. “We found it difficult to tag and release live bluefin tuna off longlines, which created frustration for all involved,†Block recalls.
The TRCC lab has conducted cardiac physiology studies that highlight the physical limitations of these fish. “Warm water holds less oxygen than cooler water,†Block says. “We hypothesize that large endothermic bluefin are physiologically stressed during the hot breeding season when their need for oxygen is greatest. Being caught on a longline may be too much for breeding bluefin tuna to tolerate, male or female. We found the bluefin were easily killed on our scientific longlines in warm Gulf waters when the hooks were soaked for more than two hours. Lab studies suggest that the limitations to the tuna may be that its cardiac system cannot be pushed any further at the warm end of the performance curve.†Capture on a hook must be stressful, she adds, so the fish simply die from lack of ventilation.
No one knows how many breeding-age bluefin are accidentally killed by pelagic longliners in the
In addition to snagging bluefin, Block's team caught juvenile swordfish and even a leatherback sea turtle that the team successfully released, an indication that the productive hotspots, which attract tunas, also attract other pelagic species.
“There are two ways to save the
Block's team also found evidence that bluefin tuna linger on the
The state of the bluefin is precarious, Block adds, and many questions remain. “But through the persistence of the TRCC's Tag-A-Giant project, enough tagged fish have been put in the ocean, and the cooperation of North Atlantic fishermen has been successful enough, that we have pieced together a story of how these fish use the ocean,†she concludes. “It's really a triumph of technology, human effort and cooperation on an ocean-basin level that has provided the empirical data to improve management decisions for the future of bluefin tuna in the
Other co-authors of the Nature study are graduate student Kevin C. Weng and research associates Andreas Walli and Heidi Dewar of Stanford; graduate student Michael J. W. Stokesbury of Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada; and Charles J. Farwell and Thomas D. Williams of the Monterey Bay Aquarium. All are affiliated with the TRCC.
The Tag-A-Giant program is supported by the Packard, MacArthur, Disney, Marine Ventures, Gordon and Betty Moore, and Monterey Bay Aquarium foundations. The research also was supported by NMFS, the National Science Foundation and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Barbara Block received a Pew Fellowship during the course of the study.