OPAGAG & ANABAC Prepare For EU Tuna Sector Meetingff
5 April 2005
Spain The Chief of Spain’s main directorate of Fishing Resources, Fernando Curcio, will meet with the representatives of the National Association of Tuna Freezer Vessel Boatowners (ANABAC) and the Organization of Associated Large Tuna Freezer Vessels Producers (OPAGAC). Together these tuna organizations represent the majority of the Spanish tuna purse seiners fleet active in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean.
The meeting will be held tomorrow Tuesday April 5th at 11.00 a.m. in Madrid, Spain,
The objective of this encounter is to prepare the meeting summoned by the Commission of the Tuna Sector Group Commission from the European Union that will be held during April 11th and 12 in Bilbao, Spain.
One of the topics of this meeting will be the threat of Asian tuna production and imports for the European tuna fishing and processing industry, which is pre-dominantly located in Spain.