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Tuna India’s Fourth Fastest Growing Export Sector ff

27 October 2004 India

Premier Mike Rann will release an Export Council report Beyond Local Towards Global that identifies what must be done if the state is to achieve its target of trebling exports by 2013.

It says millions of dollars must be injected into infrastructure to support exporters and a major campaign must be launched to encourage “first-time” exporters. While wine, motor vehicle, copper and tuna exports continue to grow strongly, the report says there is a lack of diversity in export growth. “We need our industries, at the individual and broader sector levels, to change their export thinking,” the report says.

Mr. Rann said the report was a blueprint for building the state's export culture. “The Export Council's strategy makes it clear that if we want to triple the value of our exports to $25 billion by 2013, we have to not only boost our existing markets, we have to explore and establish new markets,” he said. Mr. Rann said India was a prime example of a new market with enormous potential.

In the past 10 years, exports have grown at 6.3 per cent a year and are $7.6 billion. To reach the target of $25 billion by 2013, exports will need to grow at an average annual rate of 12 per cent in the next nine years – almost double the last decade's growth rate.

The fastest growing sectors are the wine industry with exports at $1.35 billion a year, followed by motor vehicle exports at $1.1 billion, refined copper $396 million and tuna exports now at $242 million.