A bigeye tuna that was caught and tagged an astonishing 13 years ago as part of
a scientific experiment has been re-captured at the grand age of at least 15 years
old and a weight of 100 kg.
Caught 1000 km east of Fiji, the tag was found by crew member Samuela Ratini of
Taiwanese vessel, San Sai FA No 12. The conventional yellow plastic dart tag
was returned to scientists in Noumea who said it is remarkable that it was
found very close to its release position.
Scientists say that 13 years on the run is close to a record period of freedom
in the Secretariat of the Pacific Community’s (SPC) tuna-tagging program that
was launched in the 1970’s, and in 2006 became the biggest tuna tagging
operation in the world, with over 60,000 of 400,000 tagged fish having been
At the age of maturity (about 3-4 years and weight 25 kg) in the Pacific Ocean
bigeye spawning occurs mostly northeast of the Philippines. Female bigeye tuna
can be weighing between 270 to 300 kg and may produce as many as 10 million
eggs per spawning season. Bigeye tuna has an annual batch fecundity of 4 to 60
million eggs, but nevertheless the Pacific stock is of some concerns,
especially due to the high taking of juveniles as by-catch in the FAD fisheries
on skipjack tuna. Generally it is assumed that that bigeye have a lifespan of
at least 12 years.
Bruno Leroy, a fisheries scientist with SPC said: “This is a great find.
Recovering the tags is crucial to the success of our program because they
provide information of growth, movements, natural mortality and fishing
mortality of tuna, and helps us to estimate the status of tuna stocks and the
impact of fishing.â€
Tuna fishing is the biggest industry in the Pacific, providing employment to 10
million people living in the region as well as food and income, and is worth
USD 5 billion per year. Bruno Leroy added: “This is the world’s biggest tuna
fishery and Pacific countries have to manage the fisheries to keep them
With funding and operational support from Papua New Guinea, the French Global
Environment Facility, Australia, the European Union, France, New Zealand, the
United States, Korea, the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission and
Heinz Australia, the program has tagged fish in Indonesian waters to the west
across to French Polynesia in the central Pacific.
SPC helps to train observers who are stationed on foreign vessels in the
Pacific, where their job is to count, measure and identify all tuna taken by
the vessel. The tag from the bigeye tuna was recorded by the onboard observer,
Sitakio Semisi, from Tonga.