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New General Manager For Tri-Marine’s Solomon Tuna Company ff

17 July 2013 Solomon Islands
The Tri-Marine’s Solomon Island fishing company, National Fisheries Developments (NFD) has announced the appointment of its new General Manager, Frank Wickham.

Frank is said to bring to the role experience in administration, government, multinational organizations and the South Pacific region.

He holds a degree from the University of South Pacific and the University of East Anglia in Agriculture and commenced work as a research agronomist. He managed an EU funded project in the Solomon Islands for three years and joined the South Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP) in Apia, Samoa.

Frank’s most recent position was the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and Acting Permanent Secretary of the General Manager For Tri-Marine’s Solomon Tuna Company Ministry of Environment. 

He is expected to lead the NFD, the country’s major tuna fishing company operating both purse seine as well as pole and line vessels, forward with his skills and experience. The previous General Manager, Adrian Wickham, his brother, will continue as a member of the NFD board of Directors.