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6000 M/T Quota For 62 EU Tuna Vessels Fleet In Comoresff

12 July 2013 Comores
The introduction of a new protocol to the EU-Comoros Fisheries Partnership Agreement has recently been outlined and will go into action at the beginning of 2014, issuing a 6000 ton tuna fishing quota to the European Union.

The protocol that has been issued for the duration of three years will allow European purse seine and long line vessels mainly from Spain, Portugal, France and Italy to continue their tuna fishing activities in a strategic area of the Indian Ocean, in Comoros waters as part of the tuna network fisheries agreements in this area.

Enabling the EU vessels to follow the migration of tuna throughout the western Indian Ocean, the new code of behavior will allow the European Union the opportunity to fish with 42 purse seine and 20 long line vessels, based on a reference tonnage of 6000 tons of catch per year.

For the opportunity to catch this volume, the EU will pay the Comoros an annual compensation of 600,000 euros per year, calculating each ton of tuna at a price of 100 euros. Half of this compensation amount will be given to support the fisheries policy of the Comoros.

The new protocol will replace the current one which is due to expire and will fortify cooperation between the European Union and the Comoros. It should aid in the Comores fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU) while helping to sustain the EU support towards a better governance of fisheries.