Contract Signed On Satellite Tracking Systems for EU Fishing Fleet ff
30 October 2002
Spain The Spanish Government authorized a five-year contract between the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Food (MAPA) and the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA), for the satellite tracking systems of fishing vessels. The EU regulations required that a system for the satellite tracking of communitarian fishing boast be established, to monitor their movements, as well as to verify their fulfilment of certain aspects, such as length and fishing zones. Last year, MAPA and INTA commenced collaboration to define the technical characteristics of the satellite system (known as blue boxes) approved by the European Council of Ministers. Now that this initial phase is final, a new contract is necessary. To comply with EU norms, the companies that are interested in selling the equipment to boat owners will require certification. INTA will be in charge of certifying the units to be installed in fishing vessels. INTA will also counsel the Department of Fishery on future developments and evaluate the security of the data for the Fishing Vessel Monitoring Control Centre. The agreement will be effective for five years and MAPA will contribute with EUR 305.103,44 to finance it.