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Technological Discussions on Globalization Effectsff

28 October 2002 Spain
Spanish and Latin American fishing technologists discuss the effects of globalization. Starting today, the technologists will meet in Santiago, Spain and analyze the future of the fishing industry in a globalized world.
The seminar is organized by the laboratory of fishing product technology of Santiago University and the Faculty of Science of the Central University of Venezuela.

The symposium has been dedicated to Professor Francisco Lopez Capont, who passed away a year ago and who was founder of Spain’s first laboratory of fishing technology. The promoters expect the seminar to serve as a debate forum between the industry, the administration and the scientists to analyze the current problems that are today affecting the fishing process, from the production to the consumption via the commercialization.

 The symposium will be divided in five work groups:  vessels, resources and fish, product transformation, women within the fishing world, aquiculture and commercialization.  The experts will also review the existing differences between the situation of Spain, which has serious problems to obtain raw material and which possesses a high technology in the different fishing activities; and that of Latin American countries, with wealthy resources however lacking technology.