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New Medicine To Save USD 20.8 Million Of Farmed Tuna ff

30 October 2012 Australia

Source: ABC News

The southern bluefin tuna industry says new disease prevention methods are saving it AUS$ 20 million (USD 20.8 million) annually.

Tuna ranches off Eyre Peninsula in South Australia are injecting feed with a medicine commonly used to treat stomach parasites in humans.

The veterinary-approved technology was developed after tuna mortality rates rose by 10 percent over six years.

Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association CEO Brian Jeffriess said the mortality rate had decreased to 2 percent and the health of the fish had improved.

He said there was a renewed confidence in the industry.

“Fish health is the main problem with aquaculture right throughout the world,” he said.

“We’ve had very minor problems but for such a high-quality and high-priced fish you really need to make sure every fish survives that you can and this has been a huge improvement in the industry.”