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WFOA & AAFA Sign Joint Statement On U.S.- Canada Albacore Treatyff

25 April 2012 United States

Source: American Albacore Fishing Association

The Western Fishboat Owners Association (WFOA) and the American Albacore Fishing Association have jointly signed in unanimous agreement a statement regarding the U.S. Canadian Treaty.

Here below is their joint position statement:

The Western Fishboat Owners Association (WFOA) and the American Albacore Fishing Association (AAFA) represent U.S. commercial albacore fishermen who participate in the traditional pole & troll albacore fishery in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the United States and on the high seas.

Our associations have long criticized the imbalance of benefits perpetuated by the U.S. - Canada albacore Treaty. In recent years, Treaty renegotiations have failed to effectively address the concerns of U.S. stakeholders.

In light of this treaty’s history, WFOA and AAFA Boards of Directors are in full agreement that fishing rights under the Treaty should be terminated. Immediate termination is requested. Starting January 1, 2012, there should be no more reciprocal fishing access under the Treaty.

The Treaty has deviated from its stated intent and has corrupted its original purpose, and we urge that the terms and conditions of the current fishing limitation "regime” be discarded. A history of apparent disregard for many of these terms and conditions demonstrates the regime’s inability to advance the spirit of the Treaty.

If discussions toward reestablishing reciprocal fishing access in the future receive broad stakeholder support, such discussions should proceed only after thorough study and consideration of the U.S. fishery, both during the Treaty’s reciprocal fishing period and for an amount of time thereafter adequate to assess and address its impacts. The improved health of the U.S. fishery and economy should help guide such future discussions.

In summary, the Boards of Directors for the Western Fishboat Owners Association and the American Albacore Fishing Association strongly believe that continued fishing under the Treaty should be terminated. Together, WFOA and AAFA request the U.S. Department of State proceed with actions necessary to ensure there is no further reciprocal fishing access under the Treaty.