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Another French Seiner From Vietnamese Wharfff

10 April 2012 Vietnam

Source: World Fishing

Sapmer’s fourth purse seine tuna boat in a series of five, Dolomieu, was christened on 22 March 2012 at the Nha Be site in Hô Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Tuna purse seiner Dolomieu

In 2007, PIRIOU won an order from SAPMER for three 90m freezer-tuna boats for producing tuna with high added value. The Franche Terre, the first vessel in the programme, was delivered by PIRIOU in Concarneau in May 2009, followed by the second and third tuna boats, the Manapany and the Bernica, built and delivered in Vietnam in 2010.

In 2010, the construction of two additional vessels was added to the Vietnam shipyard’s work schedule. The fifth vessel is also scheduled for delivery in 2012.

The Dolomieu tuna purse seiner, like its sisterships delivered previously, is a complex ship, equipped with an innovative system designed to freeze and conserve tuna at -40°C (-17°C on traditional tuna boats). This process provides a very significant improvement in the quality of the finish, and therefore the tuna’s value.

The propulsion is diesel electric rather than conventional, and the shaftline and propeller are driven by two electric motors. This system provides optimal energy management, resulting in simplified maintenance and significant fuel economies.

The vessel is being prepared for delivery.

Technical specifications

Overall length: 90.00m
Moulded beam: 14.50m
Hold (dry storage -40°C): 1,470m³
Tanks (storage in brine at -17°C): 539m³
Fuel tanks: 760m³
Crew: 33 persons
Speed: 17.5 knots