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432 Pound Yellowfin Caught By Angler In EPOff

30 January 2012 Mexico

Source: Belmont Shore

Ron Tegland catches an estimated 432-pound yellowfin tuna on his yacht Tenacious and heads to Baja to officially weigh the giant fish.

An angler fishing in Puerta Vallerta on Tuesday caught what could be the largest yellowfin tuna ever recorded. Brandon Hayward from Western Outdoor News received a photo on Wednesday of the monster tuna from Eric Huff, the owner of Eric’s Tackle Shop in Ventura. The giant tuna was taken by angler Ron Tegland on his yacht Tenacious.

Ron Tegland catches an estimated 432-pound yellowfin tuna

Using a mathematical formula that squares the length times the girth and then divides that figure by 800 to arrive at an estimated weight, the fish taped out at 432.4 pounds. If the weight is confirmed, it would officially be the largest yellowfin tuna ever caught, and only the second yellowfin to exceed 400 pounds.

Puerta Vallarta is well known for its abundance of big yellowfin tuna and has not disappointed big game anglers this year.

The Tenacious is said to be traveling to San Jose del Cabo in Baja California so the fish can be weighed on a certified scale. Of course, we will keep you up to date here on Patch as soon as we know something.