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Argentina Refuses to Buy Ecuador’s Tuna ff

13 October 2003 Ecuador

Ecuador’s Undersecretary of Fishing Resources Lucia Fernandez, holds the Minister of Agriculture, Rodrigo Lasso, responsible for Argentina’s decision to not buy Ecuadorian tuna.

The consequence of the suspension of meat imports has affected the commercial relations between Ecuador and Argentina. Ever since Ecuador took this resolution, Argentina has prohibited the imports of Ecuadorian tuna, informed Lucia Fernandez. “Although Argentina is not our largest buyer, it contributes to the sector and, once its economy start recovering, could develop to be a good customer”.

This resolution was made due to the Ecuadorian Secretary of State’s refusal to buy USD 800,000 of meat from the gaucho country. 

Argentina had taxed Ecuadorian tuna with a tariff of 25%, after which the Ecuadorian government chose not to buy Argentinean meat.

Lasso informed that the decision was made to avoid infect of the aftosa fever.

Rodrigo Lasso should “leave aside his cattle interests”, said Lucia Fernandez. “It has been difficult for Ecuador to enter the Argentinean market”.

She announced that Argentina’s decision to not buy Ecuadorian tuna would represent a loss of USD 30 million to the fishing sector.

Also the president of the National Fishery Chamber, Cesar Rohon, disapproved Lasso’s decision and said that Ecuador cannot afford to loose markets.  According to Rohon, the last tuna export to Argentina was 120 days ago, and the most important sales to that country was for USD 16 million in 2001.